SINERSA develops a solid waste management workshop in the communities of Ravira and Viscas

In order to educate and promote an environmental recycling culture, SINERSA developed a workshop on the proper management of solid waste in the communities of Ravira and San Juan de Viscas, which belong to the Pacaraos district, Huaral province, where our Central operates. Chancay hydroelectric plant.
Four sessions were held, in which theoretical and practical knowledge on the subject in question was shared, the community members learned to differentiate garbage from solid waste; the segregation of this waste; how to build a micro-sanitary landfill at home and how to produce the compost with solid waste; In the fourth session, what was learned was applied, carrying out a cleaning campaign in the open dumps that exist in these communities. In this way, the community members became aware and made a commitment to repeat this good deed, including them in their communal activities.
It is worth mentioning that, for the development of this cleaning campaign, the company SINERSA provided the respective personal protective equipment for the community members, as well as the necessary materials and tools. In this way, SINERSA maintains its environmental commitment by generating a positive impact on the communities that are part of its direct influence of the C.H. Chancay.

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