- The installed internet service is satellite, with a bandwidth of 30M, which allows undergraduate and higher level students of the C.C. Ravira access to educational digital platforms.
In the C.C. Ravira, which is located at more than 3,000 m.a.s.l. and it belongs to the district of Pacaraos, province of Huaral – Lima, there is a multigrade school with evident deficiencies in digital technologies, which was an impediment for students to connect to their virtual classes dictated by the Peruvian Government due to Covid-19.
Also, in the midst of this health emergency situation, upper-level students who resided in Lima and Huaral returned to their home community to study virtually; however, the difficult internet signal from their mobile devices did not allow them to connect to their virtual classes.
Aware of this situation, Sindicato Energético S.A. (SINERSA), a company dedicated to the generation of electricity with renewable resources, carried out the “Reactivation and Installation of the Internet service in the Peasant Community of Ravira”, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, contemplated in the Framework Agreement for Easement of the CH Chancay.
This was announced by the General Manager of SINERSA, Ing. Branislav Zdravkovic, who also indicated that the installation of the Internet service has been carried out for educational purposes.
“Students at the primary, secondary and higher levels will be able to access the educational platforms of the virtual classes that the Peruvian State has been developing due to Covid-19”, mentioned Ing. Branislav Zdravkovic.
It should be noted that the contracted Internet service provider has installed the service with a capacity of 30M and has 75 GB of data for browsing. “With this capacity, the computers also donated by this private company remain 100% operational with internet access so that students can access their virtual classes,” said the SINERSA manager.
For his part, the president of the Ravira Peasant Community, Mr. Edwar Simón Garay, thanked the SINERSA company for having implemented the Internet service in his community. “Thanks to this private company, the Internet has managed to bridge the digital educational gap in our community,” added the communal president.
July 2020.